1715 Eagle Harbor Parkway Suite C

Fleming Island, Florida 32003

Why Do Most Insurance Companies Deny Coverage for Zepbound & Wegovy

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Why Do Most Insurance Companies Deny Coverage for Weight Loss Medications

Insurance coverage depends on your plan, and there are several reasons why insurance may not cover it, including:

  • Weight loss medications are new -Insurance providers aren't required to cover weight loss medications, and it can take time for them to catch up.

  • Cost -non-generic, expensive medications may denied by your insurance company due to cost.

  • Plan benefits -Your plan's prescription drug benefits may not cover it.

  • Employer coverage -If you have commercial insurance through your employer, your employer may not opt in to covering anti-obesity medications.

Questions to Ask Your Insurance Company About Your Zepbound (tirzepatide) Prescription

  • Does my insurance plan cover the Zepbound pen?

  • How will my insurance plan determine eligibility? Prior Authorization will likely be required and still does not guarantee insurance will pay.

    • Is your BMI high enough

    • Failed on other weight loss plans such as diet and exercise?

    • Have you completed weight loss counseling?

  • If my insurance plan does cover the Zepbound pen, how much will I pay?

  • Are there any specific steps my doctor needs to take before my coverage can be approved, such as submitting a prior authorization (PA) form?

  • What is my insurance plan’s deductible (the amount you need to pay in healthcare costs before your insurance plan starts paying)?

  • What is the amount that my insurance plan will cover?

  • If my insurance plan does not cover the Zepbound pen, how much will I pay?

***Image is from the Zepbound Website:

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

If your insurance does not cover branded weight loss medications, we may have other medically guided weight loss programs that are right for you. Contact us for a complimentary consultation to learn your options. Text/Call 904-293-1692

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.